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Course Descriptions

GEG 111 - Physical Geography II

3 Credits

Physical Geography II is the study of spatial patterns and natural processes on Earth. As an introductory course, GEG 111 explores where and why plants, animals, and landforms occur where they do. Students will develop a better understanding of the natural environment and our role within it. Key topics include maps and map making, plants and animals (biogeography), as well as landforms (geomorphology) caused by volcanoes, earthquakes, glaciers, and rivers.

NOTE: This course meets SUNY General Education Natural Science and (Scientific Reasoning), (SUNY-NSCI) requirements when both GEG 110 and GEG 111 are successfully completed.

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Natural Sciences (and Scientific Reasoning)

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-NS - Natural Sciences (SNSC)

*NOTE: This course only meets SUNY General Education requirements when both GEG 111 and GEG 110 are successfully completed.*

MCC General Education: MCC-CT - Critical Thinking (MCT), MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Differentiate among the major fields of Geography: Physical Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography, and Geospatial Technology.
2. Locate major political units and physical features important to physical geography.
3. Diagram the internal structure of the earth.
4. Describe the internal processes (e. g. volcanic and tectonic activity) that create landforms.
5. Describe the external processes (e. g. ice, water, wind) that create landforms.
6. Compare and contrast different types of weathering and mass wasting.
7. Explain the conditions in which sediment is eroded, transported, or deposited within a fluvial system.
8. Illustrate the processes that form soils.
9. Examine the spatial and temporal patterns of plants or animals.

Course Offered Spring

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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025